
About Norman

Norman began practising yoga in the early 1990s and he has been teaching since 2001.

Through significant periods of training with teachers such as Alaric Newcombe, Judith Hanson Lasater and Sarah Powers, he gained the Yoga Alliance 500 hour accreditation. He believes that yoga is accessible to all of us and through regular practice we can experience profound changes in our mind and body.

His own experience has taught him that yoga is an enjoyable way to release and make available energetic potential to enhance our lives. Yoga can help us to become more flexible, physically stronger and improve our stamina, focus and awareness.

Norman teaches Yin yoga courses and workshops as well as leading retreats. His Yin yoga training courses are highly respected and popular. He is one of the leading teachers of Yin yoga in the UK and has been teaching Yin yoga trainings since 2013.

He has been mentoring yoga teachers for more than twelve years.

Norman teaches in London and around the UK.


Brightening Our Inner Skies: Yin and Yoga practically and provocatively explores yoga, self-transformation and social responsibility. 

Both a meditation on the role of yoga practice in the world, including Norman's personal journey, and a Yin yoga manual with over 140 photographs of poses as well as suggested sequences, this book takes the practice of yoga and understanding of self to profound levels through stories, images and well-researched debates.

Brightening Our Inner Skies can be purchased online or in fine bookshops in the UK and North America.

If you would like to buy 5 or more copies, please contact Norman direct.

“Highly recommended…Brightening Our Inner Skies has inspired me to remember the sweet heart at the centre of yoga practice, and the importance that the consistent practice of self-awareness has for each of us as individuals and for the world around us.” - Judith Hanson Lasater

Brightening Our Inner Skies book cover


  • “Incredible Yin teacher amongst other styles. You not only gave me the gift of Yin, but taught me how to truly show up and give yourself to other people - even when you are dealing with the deepest of pain. But also how to set boundaries for yourself at the same time. And how to be honest about how you are feeling and it is ok to be honest and not shy away!”

  • “What I love about your teaching is your depth of knowledge of yoga, and the way that you are able to weave stories and philosophical writings into your classes to give them a richness and meaning I have yet to find anywhere else. You somehow manage to tell these stories in a way that I feel enriched, not indoctrinated or 'talked at'. I am sure you will infuse your students with your passion for helping others on their paths, and your lightness and joy of being. I would be very happy to attend the class of anyone who named you as their teacher.”

  • “His teaching style is so unique... If I were asked to capture Norman’s class in three simple words it would be: repetition, reiteration and reassurance; elements which continually reoccurred throughout his whole class”

  • “Norman has many stories to tell, and his wise words are always a source of inspiration, laughter and guidance. He manages to bring some lightness and wisdom to classes, and his three-hour long Yin workshops are like a treat – from stories, words of awareness, gentle postures and fluffy blankets, an afternoon on the mat never felt that good! His approach is also quite unique: intertwining the physicality of Ashtanga yoga with softer ‘Yin’ postures, meditation insights and a sense of humour, his depth of knowledge transpires and makes each class special and enjoyable.”